Anyways since my last post a lot has happened. The holidays have been great and we've managed to stay pretty busy through it all! I can't believe March is already here... Honestly life is just good, Work is crazy busy and involves some traveling =( (do I survive YES, do I love being away NO), I am so very thankful for my family and their wonderful support and love, I love the gospel of Jesus Christ and can't imagine my life without it, Kyle is of course AMAZING and well Noah is growing up way too fast and is the joy of my life!
Here are some pictures of what we've been up to as of late! Enjoy...
Tonsils are gone! Noah would stop breathing in his sleep during the night, so we opted to have them removed! One of the hardest things ever but we managed to pull through...
Before, he was being so cute and innocent! Then he realized what was happening! Talk about SAD...
Family Pictures...
Christmas Day
New Years Day, Moms Birthday!
New Years Eve!
Building forts with Kyle! Their most favorite thing... =)
Ty turned ONE! Holy cow, I can't believe he's that big, I remember when he was born like it was yesterday! Love and Miss these guys like CRAZY!!!!
Noah LOVES Mickey Mouse and waffles... So I thought I would be creative one morning and make him a Mickey Mouse waffle. Little did I know this would turn into and every meal ritual, I would say "Noah what do you want for breakfast, lunch and dinner" Noah would reply "Ummm... a Mickey Mouse Waffle, Sandwich, spaghetti (how do you do that you might ask, well we just got creative)
Dance, Dance Revolution
Rodeo with the boys!
Making Cupcakes... Mmmm, Mmmm Good!
Rockin out to Lion King!
Feeding the Ducks... We live right by this duck pond and we finally went and met the ducks, they loved us! We'll for sure be going back.
Chucky Cheese
Ragnar Del Sol 2011!!
A bunch of people at Kyle's work were on a team for the Ragnar in AR and needed a couple spots filled in. So they begged him and he said YES! Not because he is a runner (because he's not) but because he knew I would LOVE IT! And well I did... It was such a neat experience and so much fun and especially to do it with him! Our team was amazing and we finished a minute ahead of schedule, running 208 miles total and placing 217th out of 308 teams. Not so bad! I've had a problem with my IT Band (joints in my knee) for awhile now but thought it was fixed, well come to find out one mile into my first leg it wasn't so that was the only thing that SUCKED, once my knee is better I am so doing another one! My favorite run was running at 2:30 AM, LOVED IT! Did I miss my baby YES, so next time somehow he is coming with us! =) Thanks Babe for signing us...

Yes my baby started presechool TODAY. What in the world? My moms really good friend has been teaching for 20+ years and does an amazing job! It was bitter sweet, I am so excited for him to learn and do new things but at the same time I want him to be my baby FOREVER and with him starting preschool it becomes more of a reality that he is growing up way too fast! (His new thing involves the cheezy face below) Oh I just love him to pieces...
So when I say Don't Blink... They grow up way too fast!!!! I seriously mean it!