Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Eugene, Oregon Watch Out!

These past couple of days have been REALLY, REALLY busy and full of lot's of mixed emotions!

Sunday we had Jord's farewell in Park Valley! This was a really long drive because it's about two hours away, however like always Noah was a champ and Jordan did such a good job so it was well worth it! The people out in Park Valley are so kind and have done so much for Jord to get him where he is today! His farewell was so good, my cousin Spencer Morris (who lives out in park valley, and is one of Jords best friends) spoke first, then my mom and last but not least Jordan spoke! They all did so well on their talks! I found myself getting a little sad this day but it didn't really seem real to me yet!

Last night we went up to Tremonton to set Jord apart, this seemed to sink in just a little bit more so I found myself getting a little emotional through all of it. After that was all over and Jordan was officially Elder Jones we went over to Grandma and Grandpa Barker's house to give my Grandma a blessing. She's going in for surgery on Thursday and Friday and it's a pretty serious surgery. They have to go in and remove a tumor that is pushing against her artery by her ear. I know that everything will be okay and I felt so much better after her blessing.

Today we all met at Jeremiah's for one last breakfast before Jordan left. It was very delicious as usual but you could tell from everyone there were a lot of mixed emotions. As we were taking pictures and as I was giving Jord a hug I couldn't hold back the tears! I really am happy for him but still a little sad to see him go! The last time we had to say goodbye to my older brother was 10 years ago, so it's been awhile! Thanks to Grandpa and Grandma for the YUMMY breakfast, and Kip we missed you!

Jordan we love you so much and are so proud of you! You are going to be an amazing missionary in Eugene, Oregon! We can't wait to see you hopefully next June when we come to visit! =)


  1. O- wow! K- so I am like crying like a baby right now!! I feel so bad that we didn't make it to Jord's farewell, if Hudson had just been a few more weeks older! I am so proud of Jord and I know he will do such an awesome job!! It brings back so many memories of saying goodbye to Jed, it is so hard to just let them go. But that is where we have faith that they are doing the Lord's work and that He will bless them! :) Good Luck Jord!! Love ya!

  2. Wow! You have been busy! It is way hard to send off a missionary, especially a brother. You are such a good sister! It is awesome he has chosen to serve the Lord :)
    I am sure he will do a great job! That is cool that you will get to visit him too!

  3. I can't believe Jord is really leaving to go on his mission??? He just doesn't seem old enough. Or else I am just getting really old but thinking I am still young. Ha. You look so great in your pictures.

  4. That is so exciting! I remember when my brother left it was sad, but such a blessing to him and our family. He will do awesome and he is lucky to have a sister like you who will write to him throughout!

  5. That is so Awesome your brother is going on a mission. That is so exciting you might be coming to Las Vegas, let me know I would love to see you! I can't believe how big Noah is getting he is so cute!

  6. Sounds like you had a very emotional and spiritual time with your family. I am so happy for the missionary experience for your brother. I know your entire family will grow and be blessed from his service. Hope you are doing well! You are a GREAT person!

  7. Yeah! I'm so proud of him! Can't believe that our little brothers are on missions. Brady has been out for a year now. Crazy!

    I know he's going spanish speaking, but I've told my brother and sister in law to keep their eyes open for Elder Jones
