Sunday, November 15, 2009

Sunday Visits

Sunday's wouldn't be Sunday's without the visits with my wonderful Grandparents! I love these guys so much... Ever since I can remember we've been going there every Sunday to visit and spend time with Grandma and Grandpa! They are so kind and generous and make wonderful dinners and treats to eat while we visit. I love hearing stories about past times and their past week! So much fun! They are always so interested in our lives, and have such good advice! I used to be more faithful but the past couple of months I haven't been, and let me tell you my Sunday's haven't been complete because I've been missing these! I'm going to try to be better!

If you guys haven't met these wonderful people your missing out! These guys are truly amazing... I love you Grandma and Grandpa Jones, and Grandma and Grandpa Barker! You guys are the best... Thanks for always being there for me and Noah! We are really blessed to have you in our lives! You guys really mean a lot to Noah and I... XOXOXO


  1. You do have two sets of amazing grandparents. So happy that you have a close relationship with them. I really hope my grandchildren will have that same kind of feeling about me. Take care, Cassie!

  2. You do have great grandparent! I can't believe Noah is a year old! He is so cute! I think he is so lucky to have you as his mom, you are so great! Keep up the good work.
