Wednesday, May 5, 2010

No WAY!!!

I know tell me about it I haven't posted in forever! I always get so disappointed when other people don't update their blog and then here I am and it's been over a month! Well here is to a new start... (don't we get those every now and then?)

So basically I'm just going to say since the last time I posted we have been extremely busy with Vegas/St.George Trip, Easter, Craft Nights, work, playing and chasing after Noah and much much more... If you want to see our craft nights, Easter pics just go visit Jess' blog because it's pretty much the same and thanks Jess for doing all the work for me! =)

This little stinker

will be 18 months here in a couple days, he is seriously growing up so fast and it seems I can never get enough of him! Well he has always been quite the little talker and seriously he adds a word a day to his vocabulary! Well as of yesterday his new word is "No Way" not just "No" but "No Way"! Seriously he is 1 1/2 years old and my baby already has the "No Way" down! Although I shouldn't be encouraging him I have to admit the first time I heard this come out of his mouth I was so shocked and could not stop laughing! Ever since then I've kind of been encouraging him to say this by asking him things I know he'll say "No Way" to such as "Noah do you want to go to bed? or Noah do you want eat some chicken?". (I know bad mom but what can I say he's only this age once and he can only pull this as being cute now)

Here are a couple pictures of this little guy over the past couple weeks! Oh I just love my baby and could just eat him to pieces.. mmmwwahh!

This boy loves stickers...

I love how he always has a different expression on his face!

I know were starting young but he doesn't hate it so why not get the idea in his head! He'll look back and hate that I'll show this picture to his future wife... =)

Eating a tomato that he picked with "Papa Brett"

The other day he would not take off his Mickey hat from Grandma Lisa, it was really cute!

Don't we all make such CUTE nerds? =)

Aidan my nephew


My little bro Cache

And Noah, look at that Nose!


  1. I love your posts...they are always so cute and fun! You are such a good little mommy and Noah is so adorable, really he is just so stinkin' cute! :) I love that he says no way, Kaleb has started saying no. I am sure our play date will be very exciting ha ha (I am so excited to see you guys!)
    Also, those pics of you all as nerds are awesome! I love it.

  2. Noah is adorable. I love all his different facial expressions. That gets my heart racing to see you already potty training. Way to go! Glad you posted!

  3. Toilet picture, way too cute! I can't get enough of this handsome little dude, either!
    Love all the nerds you're related to.

    Cache is huge! Wow! How old is he?
