Wednesday, July 21, 2010


-Copy Cat-

Noah is quite the little talker and copies everything I say or pretty much that anyone says. I don't think I talk bad by any means but I really have to watch what I say now days! The other day I spilled something and I said "Oh Crap" well soon enough you hear "oh crap" in a much cuter voice though. I mostly call him "babe, baby, honey and boota" very rarely do I call him by his actual name. So every time I say "honey come here" or "Baby I love you" you hear him say "honey come here" or "Baby I love you"... it's quite hilarious being how I'm his mom! lol

-Big Boy-

He got a haircut the other day by Jess and he did so good and let me tell you he looks so big but I love ! =) Most the time when we go into the bathroom he says potty and so I say "Do you want to get on?" and he says "yes" so I put him and he likes it but doesn't quite get the idea to not go in his diaper and in the potty! So we'll keep trying...


Ok we are officially addicted to either "Slurpee's" or "Snow Cones" I swear to you on a daily basis we usually get one (thanks goodness they are cheap and really close). Noah has these words down pat and says "Mom no-cone" or " Mom Slurpee" daily. I worked from home today and we had such a fun time together but I unfortunately was sick (yes I'm getting a cold in the middle of July) so this was the first day in I don't know how long when we didn't have one because I didn't feel like and I improvised by giving him a little ice cream. Sad, but I think we'll survive.

Here are some pics from this past week of what we've been up to!



  1. Cassie!
    Your little guy is SO cute!!

    I am going private, send me your email if you want an invite :)

  2. He is such a smart boy! I love the snow cone and slurpee addiction.

  3. He is the cutest little guy EVER! Love the Slurpee addiction. I have quite the addiction myself....Zeppes Italian Ice.
